She added that in the coming weeks, work will be carried out to launch a training and support program in the use of the information base, which is the result of an exceptional effort on which teams within the ministry and a group of experts from the European Union and Morocco have been mobilized, while organizing consultations with various ministerial sectors and public institutions. It is now ready to be used after the end of the test phase in Salé.
The Minister affirmed that future training courses will take into account the needs and recommendations expressed by the beneficiaries during the evaluation of the training program, as they will be provided with an educational bag that brings together all the training materials according to the training units. Efforts will also be undertaken to identify the areas in which training can be organized remotely and the ones which require physical attendance, and to develop the logistical capacity to provide the necessary means, in terms of electronic devices and Internet access.
In the conclusion of her speech, Ms. El Moussali stressed that the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Development, Equality and Family, government sectors and public institutions concerned with child protection, and associations, all know that a new multilateral approach is underway. The aim of this approach is to develop a system of services based on joint work at central and territorial level, to provide all children of different classes and groups with a secure childhood, and fragile families unable to care for their children with the necessary support, by directing them to the various public social programs available. She addressed the beneficiaries of the trainings that their usual involvement and commitment in their daily work with children is the guarantee of the success of this workshop and the improvement of the quality of services provided to children and their families.
It is to be noted that this training program was launched on June 8th, 2020 in cooperation with the European Union and UNICEF and was supervised by Moroccan and foreign experts. The participants were provided with a set of practical approaches and tools, as well as good practices, in the field of working with children and protecting them against various forms of violence and exploitation; as well as methods and mechanisms for dealing with cases of street children. The next step will be defined by the launch of the training program for child support centers in the ten serious regions concerned by the launch of the “Wladna” program for integrated territorial bodies for child protection during the year 2021, in cooperation with UNICEF.
Mrs. El Moussali chairs the closing of the training program sessions to keep pace with the launch of the “Wladna” program for the Integrated territorial bodies for child protection

المملكة المغربية وزارة التضامن و التنمية الإجتماعية و المساواة و الأُسْرَة © 2020